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replied 1912d
sadly i think ABC controls BCH now.
replied 1912d
There something like 9 public BCH implementations. Miners are free to choose one other than ABC.
replied 1912d
Yeah that's true. I'm trying to get rid of the regulation mindset. Not always easy.
replied 1911d
Like bitprim which shoot up 500 cloud nodes and went back to ONE again? Nobody uses other implementations and ABC controls BCH since beginning ignoring everyone.
replied 1911d
I see you and Ed everywhere, and you both have nothing of value to contribute. Go focus on BSV.
replied 1911d
If I run one bitprim node is that a value? Do I vote?
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1911d
BSV Theme Song Faketoshi
replied 1912d
Yeah I've kind of lost count...
All the changes went faster than I could keep up with.
replied 1912d
Only because a majority of BCH hashpower believes their development roadmap is superior. Another implementation can take the lead if they can convince the market/miners.
replied 1912d
BCH is much more decentralised when it comes to development than BTC and BSV.
replied 1912d
that's correct. abc has the lead. hm. we must assume they have the best product. free market.
replied 1911d
Ahahaa... that is the joke of the century. Aumarys Bitmain Coin
replied 1911d
Lol, if that is the best joke you have heard in a century, you have a weird sense of humour.
replied 1913d
The concept of "Bitcoin" in itself thanks to all the forks is. Not bch (controversial changes : checkpoints, ..) neither all other forks (btc, ..)
Dev decentralization comes with forks
replied 1912d
I like that you say "market/miners". Market value of a chain will decide what the miners will mine - except if miners go against profit which is likely not to happen.
replied 1912d
ABC is just an implementation.
nchain/cg are vocal of their control over BSV.
replied 1912d
Which BCH do you advocate?
replied 1912d
You mean implementations?

I use BU and ABC currently. (wallet/nodes)