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Good morning, greedy little retards.

replied 1631d
greed is good
replied 1630d
Good for destroying ourselves...
replied 1630d
try for a few minutes not to be greedy for oxygen and tell me if it worked. Beeing greedy is what keep species alive
replied 1630d
That's the most hilarious justification for greed that I've seen so far. 😂

Thanks for the lol.
replied 1630d
are you altruistic for oxygen?
replied 1630d
Obviously, when I used the word "greedy", I wasn't referring to one's consumption and need for oxygen, my mentally retarded friend.
replied 1630d
greed is the thing that keeps them alive. Once they stop being greedy they'll loose the desire to be alive and they'll slowly die but can live decades like plants & function in society
replied 1630d
You didn't check the link dude. Come on, have a go at it.
replied 1630d
I check the link and saw the word oxygen was missing
replied 1630d
I suspect that it was also absent for some time during your early development. 😂
replied 1630d
that suspection is probably projection
replied 1629d
replied 1630d
Go breathe pure oxygen for awhile then and see what greed does for you. Greed is what destroys. Using what you need keeps you going.
replied 1630d
but you need greed to use what you need. try to use what you need without that, you end up dead
replied 1630d
replied 1630d
you can also be intense selfish for oxygen. I don't know what your desire for oxygen is after running
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1631d
Teletubbies lol
replied 1632d
Did you cooom today?
replied 1631d
ofc, in your mom's ass as usual. 😜
replied 1631d
replied 1631d
Better you then my dad.