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Day 1 of #SoberOctober complete. Join me on to claim your SOBER @simpleledger SLP token on #bitcoincash. 1 for everyone participating on memo. 🚰🚰🚰⛲🌊⛲🚰🚰🚰
replied 1660d
I have gone 19 hours with out a beer. I can't stop complaining about things lol...
replied 1660d
It should get much easier around day 5, hang in there.

Good luck friend, you can do it. Mind over matter.
replied 1657d
it will get better. Especially after 3rd day. Helps big time to do a detox
replied 1657d
It has been 81 hours with out a beer. It will just be cool to invest the money into Tokens instead... It's a superior investment strategy for sure.
replied 1660d
Did you stop drinking mapple syrup?
replied 1660d
sugar is one helluva drug
replied 1659d
Been off the syrup for a couple years. Wasnt easy
replied 1659d
It's hard to get off of something when it's sold everywhere, good for you
replied 1660d
Good luck!
replied 1658d
I can’t stop , Canadian herb is too good
replied 1657d
Sent some 🍕 tokens to keep your buzz alive. ✌️
replied 1657d
Sent you a 1 of 420 BONGHITS token . Since you’re staying sober you can atleast have a tokenized bong hit !
replied 1657d
Dats some gooooood shiiit
replied 1659d
Well I am sober but it doesn’t mean I haven’t had a drink does that count 🤷‍♀️
replied 1657d
I'm afraid SOBER token doesn't divide decimal places for half measures. 😜
replied 1657d
replied 1660d
hey bro, thanks for the GREEN TEA tokens :)
replied 1659d
Lol sorry demo for showing coworkers. You were our lucky token receiver.
replied 1659d
thank you :)
replied 1660d
I can get SOBER?
replied 1660d
i like to join. but how?
replied 1659d
Token sent. Just no drinking for thirty days. Track weight and health and mood. 🏆
replied 1660d