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Yes, i believe they finished for good there but i dont think that was the main reason for their split. They were too young, sorta inmature, specially him
replied 1747d
Age has nothing with maturity. You simply can't fit in with a person if that person is ( really) that much controlling, love has nothing to do with that.
replied 1747d
Do you think taylor was controlling? I thought cristian carino was. He still posts shady messages that show he still loves herc
replied 1747d
Shady? Eh maybe that is the one. I just saw something controlling ex ... blah blah... lady gaga... that was pretty much enough for me. I just switch to something else after that. lol
replied 1747d
Oh yes i think it s carino. But he talked about her in a very poetic way. Like talking about Galatea and being him pigmalion or something.