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1358d · FEELS
This FEELS like a scam token.
replied 1358d
How is it a scam token?
replied 1358d
What's wrong with you!! IT FEELS THAT WAY. I have FEELINGS and therefore I am ENTITLED to MY TRUTH, whether it is factually true or not! And everyone must adjust to this new truth
replied 1358d
I FEEL that you are not ENTITLED to YOUR TRUTH. This is a difficult situation, we have conflicting FEELings.
replied 1358d
How DARE you? EVERYONE is ENTITLED to their FEELINGS, therefore I am entitled to mine! Therefore everything revolves around MY FEELINGS! Careful or I'll throw a tantrum!
replied 1358d
DARE taught me that DRUGS are NEVER cool. It is ALWAYS cool to say NO to drugs. You know what is also COOL? DARING to DENY that EVERYONE is ENTITLED to FEELINGS. That is what I call CO